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Same Time, Same Place: But thankfully not the same time and place as last season
Also check out: Same Time, Same Place episode recap
Buffy is back! We're three episodes into the new season, and I don't want to claw my eyes out or dig out the seasons one and two DVDs and watch them on repeat, huddled in a corner, telling any who'll listen about the good 'ole days. That's progress! [Please do not be alarmed. We here at boils and blinding torment have no fear that ME will continue to give us much to watch. and mock. and laugh. at. -ST] The Willow is on the smack, we must have a Very Special Intervention Episode storyline is gone like the fashion trend of wearing leg warmers over jeans. [Though, sadly, not like the wearing a see-through dress over jeans fashion trend. Bad Buffy, bad.] That trend is gone forever, right? It's not ever coming back? Marti went on maternity leave and the rest of ME hatched an evil plan to pretend that her lame-ass storylines never existed. I am more than happy to go along with evil plans any day, but I'm especially on board with this one! In it's place, we have Willow's original storyline back. The one that has been developed since season two. Willow likes the power that magic gives her. She always felt powerless growing up, and with magic, she can rid herself of that feeling. We also never again have to go through a scene where Willow can save them all from fiery painful deaths, if only she'll use just a little of the magic, but she can't, because she's on the wagon! And being dead is better than being addicted! [I, however, remain afraid that the crackwhore is not gone forever! She said herself, shes not sure if she can kick it. Kick what, Willow? Smack? White China? And, um, other cool names for it which I cannot be bothered to remember at this point? Oh, majik. I realize ME was at a loss for a metaphorical struggle when Angel kicked off for LA, but it didnt have to be addiction again, folks. It couldve been something meaningful, like-oh never mind. They wouldve messed it up and turned it into a crackwhore anyway.]
And best of all (well, almost best; very best is that we've seen the Giles on a horse scene in all three episodes so far. Maybe they'll show it in the previouslies all season! In fact, let's take a look at a picture from that scene! [ST would just like to point out that that is SPs high point. Mine was when Spike put his shirt back on. And wore it. Continuously. Throughout an entire episode.]) is that the witty dialogue is back! One of the great things about the show was that the characters could laugh through the pain. Even when they were sending boyfriends to hell. [Well, really, Buffy sort of sulked through that one. For 3 seasons. Now Xander? He was laughing.] Or facing brain-eating demons. Or scary, scary clowns. And dummies. Even the darkest episodes had moments of levity to keep the viewing audience from spending the night sobbing in a corner, wailing about the unfairness of it all. Well, OK, except maybe when Jenny died. And Oz left. And Giles left. And Tara died. And stuff. But mostly! Levity mixed in with the sadness! Most of season six, however, was darkness with a side of dark. This season, even though the episodes themselves have been fairly dark, we've still had those great moments. And it's about time, because as we've mentioned time and again on this site, we surely don't watch Buffy for the plots themselves. We watch for the interaction between the characters, and the well-crafted writing of the dialogue. And it looks like it's all back. Woo frickin' hoo. [Pace yourself, grasshopper. Maternity leave doesnt last forever.]
I'm also glad that Buffy is finally letting Dawn do something for a change. The scoobies were the same age as Dawn when they got started with the whole fighting evil gig, and Xander and Willow had no superpowers then. And I am so happy that I don't have to hear Buffy say "you do research now?" and ask Dawn if she wants a pack of cigarretes anymore. Speaking of Dawn, I know a lot of people are fearful that we're getting Dawn the Vampire Slayer now that Buffy is teaching her how to fight. I think it's just the opposite (so far). I think they're showing that Dawn doesn't have any super abilities. She couldn't even swing that brick bag. And it's understandable that Buffy would realize that Dawn has to live in Sunnydale so she should at least learn some good techniques for the killing. [Im all for Dawn doing the researching and being the Willow. Shes totally the Willow. Shes a computer geek on a Mac of DOOM, she sucks at fighting-and she better continue to suck at fighting. She kicks one more demon across an alley, and theres going to be an angry letter fired off. Oh! Or maybe a petition started! Since Im sure this has caused the collective staff to quake in their boots, I will say no more. Except this: dont do it. Stop right now. I can see that scene youre writing, and Im telling you, youre going to regret it. And if not you, I certainly will.]
But this site wouldn't be boils and blinding torment if we didn't mention a few painful moments amidst our praise.
No leisurely-jogging girl getting all stabbed to
death by monks
Spike, no longer burning on the cross, back to wearing
the gay blue shirt
That Buffy doesn't lock the doors to her house
The clothes
The Buffy gives away her powers
Things that might have pained me, but didn't:
The whole invisible thing being a spell
the scoobies accepted Willow back
[But, you know, still. Dawn should have been a little angrier. We should have seen a scene where Dawn gets all Ball of green energy, eh? Make your own database, bitch.
Yep. That wouldve been cool. Oh! Maybe I can hold out for next week!]
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10.09.02 |