beginning | blinding torment | boils | lies | making me bitter | evil compounds evil | blah blah bity blah
season seven > selfless
Let it be said that no matter what I write, I think Emma Caulfield did an excellent job, especially during the final few scenes. That doesnt mean were not going to mock the hell out of it, though.
In a small role this week, and even smaller top, Dawn gives Willow cute
advice as Willow unpacks, one would assume from her trip across the Atlantic.
So then one could also assume that this takes place the day after
Same Time, Same Place? Except that Help
was in between this and that, so I really have no idea how much time has
passed. Nor do I care.
In come Buffy and Xander carrying more boxes. So, apparently, when Willow was off slacking in the how not to be evil class, Buffy and Xander just packed up all of her shit and put it where? Storage? The basement? Under the sofa in hell? I know Buffy had to take back her room and symbolically become the head of the household, since the only responsible adult in the Scooby gang died, but when I switched rooms with my brothers we always moved each others stuff into their new room. It just seems like oddness that they would take the time to box all her stuff up and put it in storage, rather than just toss it in huge piles on the floor. I mean, she was coming back all along, right? She didnt take everything with her to England, did she? They didnt think her clothes were going to turn all evil and attack them in their sleep, did they? They didnt go pack Buffys crap up when she tried to feed them to that demon, did they? Eh. Oddness. I suppose it gave Dawn something to do. And Buffy and Xander something to talk over. And Willow something to do other than act morose and oddly wan. So there you go. Theyre bringing back her stuff.
Anyway, Buffy and Xander are talking about Anya, who Dawn thinks should try to act like everyone else. Buffy thinks Xander shouldnt get his hopes up, Xander thinks Anya isnt really all vengeance-y anymore, and hes the one that drove her to it anyway. Xander is feeling all sorts of guilty, folks, in case you didnt pick up on that. I suppose he should have thought about this whole lifetime of guilt thing before dumping Anya at the altar, but hindsights a bitch, right? Anyway, Xander defends Anya. Says her hearts not really in it. Says shes going to come round. Then, of course, we cut across a room of extremely dead guys and end up on Anya, sitting listlessly in a corner in a dress that appears to be quite inoffensive (despite being covered in blood) asking herself what shes done when obviously shes just slaughtered a whole bunch of people. Yep. Shes coming right around.
After the credits cheerfully roll by we arrive in, um, Sweden? I dont know, where the hell are they? Somewhere. Possibly in 880. This is the problem with doing these things by memory and being too lazy to look stuff up, I tell you what ©Hank Hill. Anyas got herself some long brown hair and what is probably a potato sack cinched at the waist. Shes holding a bunny, and her house is just full of the little buggers. She doesnt appear to be the least bit afraid. So were to assume there was some traumatizing event between being human and being annoying that involved bunnies. Cant wait to see it. Ill have to, though, because they seemed to have skipped that bit in the script. Of course they did. [No, no, see. Anya thought bunnies were what would make her accepted in her village. She was going to breed them, and give them away as gifts, and everyone would love her! But instead, her boyfriend cheated on her with the bar wench and everyone laughed and pointed. So, to her, the bunnies became a sign of badness. And cheating with bar wenches! Or something.] [That is so. lame. -ST]
Anyas olde tyme puttering is disrupted by the entry of Olaf, pre-Troll. He smells of musk and blood and Anya loves the big lug. Only shes not Anya, shes Aud (pronounced odd. Ahahahaha. Get it? Get it?) Oh, and everyones talking in maybe something Nordic and probably not real, with subtitles that capture everything from Auds jealousy of the barmaid with dumps like a truck to her desire to be loved by the general populace, even if she is strange and off-putting. And here, folks, is where youre about to take your first detour into what we like to call the land of What the Fuck, Joss?. Olaf mentions that the townspeople dont like Aud because shes strangely literal. Now, correct us if were wrong, and were not wrong, but it was implied when Anya first started hanging around Xander that she was strange and off-putting because she had just recently become human after a couple of thousand years of being a demon. Hmmm .and now we have Aud being strangely literal with her translations and putting people off. Right. However, leaving the land of What the Fuck, Joss? (heretofore referred to as WtFJ, except in season six, where it is known as WtFM) for a moment, lets go back to Aud and Olaf.
Ha, ha, ha! Sweet Aud! Your logic is insane and happenstance, like that of a troll.
Olaf tells her not to worry and that he loves her, after we get a glimpse of Auds dark, dark heart. That look she gives Olaf when he mentions going to the pub? Not one of an innocent bunny lover. So she hugs him and tells him she loves him so much it seems shell burst and then we assume they get to the sex. Because Im sure Aud was also all about the sex, since shes Anya. Totally and completely. Unless of course were supposed to take Auds putting off of sex as a sign that Anyas a completely different person, but I doubt it. It probably just means that Olafs not really a Viking after all. If you know what I mean, and I think you do. So I guess a couple thousand years of just hanging out wreaking havoc incurred absolutely no growth in her personal development. And Im sure thats interesting and theres lots to say about that, but instead we see modern day Anya back in her non-revolting retro dress scrubbing the blood off of her hands in some bathroom.
Leaving our poor little conflicted vengeance demon, we join Ms. Rosenberg walking along, haranguing some poor college professor weve never seen before. Willows begging to be let back into school, and rather than argue with the admissions office like most people would do at a large university, she deems the personal approach of harassing your old professors a better way to go about things. And it seems that Willow may have somehow cheated on her exams at the end of last yearwhether this was right before she went evil, after she went evil, while she was evil or during the period of time when she swore off magic forever, well never know. Because its an amusing bit of throwaway dialogue and were not really meant to question how sweet little Rosenberg who loves herself some tests and who prides herself on what was her massive brain power could be brought to use magic to pass a class [she must have wiggled her nose in the direction of the school when she was headed over to that hill to end the world. Just in case the school survived the apocalypse, she wanted her grades to be covered]. Willow sees Anya stumbling like a druggie across the school and trots on over to say yo. Willow goes retro for a bit and tries to share her geeker joy over getting extra make-up tests, but it just feels empty. Anya really just doesnt care. Oh, she pretends to. And she makes up some story about having just had lots of sex with a new boyfriend, to which Willow makes up being happy for her, but shes not really into the whole friend thing. Not right now. Not so soon after Willow denied her being sexy. Making a fatal flaw, Anya messes with her hair, exposing a bit of blood on her hand. Willow, god bless her, follows those homicidal instincts and instantly gets suspicious of Anyas intentions on campus. Allowing Anya to continue staggering drunkenly across the UC Sunnydale campus, Willow heads straight to the frat house. In a red shirt. A humongous, just-this-side-of-ugly necklace. A brown skirt, that may or may not be suede. Red. Fucking. Tights. And boots, possibly brown. Possibly stolen from Robin Hood and his band of merry men. But seriously. Red tights. I just dont even know how Im supposed to react to those.
Right. Bigger issues going on. Must. Ignore. Red. Tights.
Willow, enters le house de frat. Inside she finds lots of dead guys. Lots of em. And she looks a little ill. Its sorta refreshing to know shes not all jaded after seven years of seeing bloody scenes and causing a few of them, ya know? She finds some girl in a closet rocking back and forth and mumbling that she takes it back. Takes what back? Why, her wish that all those stupid frat boys would know what it felt like to have their hearts ripped out, thats what! Im kind of confused if Anya was even invited or summoned by this girl, or if she just popped up and said done, when every other time she had to work the room or pretend to be a teenager in high school and hang out with a vapid cheerleader to elicit wishes, but then Im also confused why shed call up a big CGI spider to do the job, so I suppose I should just accept this and move on. The big CGI spider, by the way, that Anya did not wish out of there after the fact. Because it is in fact about to eat Willows heart. Fortunately Willow goes all black-eyed and shoots it magically out of the room. And yeah, she yells at the girl to be quiet. Ooooh, shes evil when shes working the mojo. Oooh, aaah.
She calls Buffy, who is really busy balancing a pencil cup on her head when shes wasting valuable harass the crazy vampire in the basement time [she's doing this balancing act in an open cube even where everyone can see her being a loon! Maybe I should try that at work to make people even more scared of me than they already are. Although my NSYNC marionette dolls and Buffy action figure, complete with crossbow and stakes, does a pretty good job of keeping coworkers away]. I suppose she figures since she already got it in that day that her duties are done. But I dont think interrupting Spikes fantasy that Buffys dressed in white and cares enough about him to speak in soothing tones while caressing his head and listening to him talk about Drusilla with her bitchy self clad in black really counts as putting in a full days work.
She told him to get out of the basement, if youre interested. Not because hes severely unbalanced and a danger to the kids in the school, if you were wondering. But because its bad for him. Theres evil down in them thar parts. And he should listen, cuz shes the law. Yippee I O kay ay.
So Willow tells Buffy about the beast and Buffy and Xander go hunt for it. Somehow they know where to go. And theres some silly stuff where Xander gets pushed out of the way and then Im really glad to see some Slayery talents displayed as Buffy just sort of tosses the axe up and along comes the spider with an axe through the gut. All dead.
Oh, no, don't feel bad. I, uh, I don't talk to people much. I mean, I talk to them, but they don't talk to me. Except to say that your questions are irksome, and perhaps you should take your furs and your literal interpretations to the other side of the river. |
And before all of this, we had another flashback. But it just didnt jibe with my narrative flow, Im sure you understand. A mob chases Olaf the now troll while Aud watches from afar. The mob says funny things, like that the troll is doing an Olaf impression and that they should pelt it with various fruits and meats. So, basically, everyone speaks like Aud and is annoying like Aud, but nobody likes Aud because of how she speaks and acts. Got that? Aud, looking either sad or empty or both, watches Olaf chase people down with a hammer and probably wonders, like me, when he gets sent to his little troll dimension and becomes a god with a hammer. DHoffryn interrupts our reverie, however, and Aud doesnt seemed too surprised to see him. In fact, she reacts not at all to his blue skin and horns. They were talking rather laxly about trolls earlier, though, so maybe demon sightings were more prevalent in 880. Anyway, Aud is told by DHoffryn over and over and over that while her name may be Aud, shes IS Anyanka [and he tells her in English, rather than the freakish made-up language she was speaking before. And she answers him in English. Because now that she's turned Olaf into a troll, she doesn't speak freakish made-up language anymore. Obviously]. Whatever. Anyanka apologizes for her lack of social graces, saying she doesnt talk to people much because they tell her to take her literal interpretations and shove them where the sun dont shine. Except she wasnt literal when she was a demon before, when she was a-courting Cordelia. She was normal. She spoke excellent, non-stilted English. She understood how to interact with people. She didnt ask annoying questions. She didnt dance with money. Perhaps she needed her special demon powers for that? Eh. Anyway, she accepts the job, saying all men deserve it, and DHoffryn admits that thats where he was going with the whole only to those that deserve it vengeance thing.
Willow, meanwhile, having cleverly sent the Slayer after the CGI spider, interrupts Hallie and Anya bonding. Which is too bad, too, because I think Hallie almost had Anya over that whole guilty conscience thing. Willow rudely orders Hallie out. Anya looks awfully prepared for a bitchslapping. I find myself wondering where Anya lived when she was a vengeance demon before. And why shes still in this apartment. Is it a sad cry for the people that pretended to be her friends before to let her back in? Probably. Sad, huh? Willow, of course, gets none of this. I guess Im just deeper than that bad ass Wicca whos connected to everything. Yep.
You're here to- Well, that's great, Willow. Flayed anybody lately, have you?
Willow tells Anya to stop. Anya says Willow doesnt understand, that Anyas a vengeance demon, those frat boys had it coming for embarrassing the poor girl, and then Willow goes to tell on Anya. But she pretends not to enjoy it. Good for her. She does a pretty good job, looking all morose sitting in Buffys living room in her red. Fucking. Tights. No, I know. Were pretending theyre not there. I just. I cant help it. Its like waving the red cape in front of the damn bull. I cant believe Xander and Buffy arent reacting the same way I am. Or, wait .wait maybe they ARE! Maybe thats why everyones acting so off in this scene! Which I shall now recap for you!
Hey, no one has ever accused me of being linear. Perhaps SP should be writing this thing. [Hmm... that would require actual work and stuff. I think non-linear, someone other than me writing would be best.]
The scene: Xander and Buffy enter rather jovially talking about the monster, wondering where it came from. Willow greets them, morosely as previously stated, with I know where it came from. Xander gets all hysterical and wants to know why Willow didnt tell them, which is really besides the point. But Xanders in guilt and possible love, so hes forgiven. Buffy declares that she has to kill Anya, and rather unconvincingly says she doesnt want to, but she has to. Shes the law, shes making a list and shes checking it twice, gonna find out whos naughty in a good way and whos naughty in a Buffys decided its bad way. Demons, humans and vampires with souls who are no longer boning her tremble in fear. Xander pleads with Buffy, saying that Anyas one of her best friends. Because, yeah. After Xander broke Anyas heart, Buffy and Willow were over there with tubs of ice cream and chick flicks. Oh, wait, no. That didnt happen. They werent friends. Anya was the girlfriend they tolerated because for some reason they wanted to keep Xanders carpenter ass around. But it doesnt matter, anyway. Buffys thought about it, yo. Anyas going down. Xander accuses her of being one cold mama. Willow just kind of sits there. Its all very compelling, I assure you.
No, of course not. You know, if there's a mass-murdering demon that you're, oh, say, boning, then it's all gray area.
Buffy also reminds them that she killed Angel. I cheer up at the memory. But she keeps going. I get bored. She goes on rather clumsily, in my opinion, to berate them for cheering her on. She brings up Xander giving poor little her the message kick his ass from Willow. Four or five years too late, guys. But whatever. Because it doesnt matter. Years and years and years of a debate on message boards, ooooohthe lie, and its all wrapped up with a hey, I never said that from Willow, a moment of panic in Xanders eyes and absolutely nothing from Buffy. Its odd. And does nothing but throw fans a ridiculous bone of misplaced continuity, but eh. Of course, maybe itll come up again in a later episode and Ill have to compose an ode of my wrongness, but Im not going to start rhyming just yet. Either way, Xander storms out after Buffy tells him to find another way. Buffy then grabs a big sword and storms out. Willow doesnt storm out. She cant. She just cant. Instead she storms upstairs, grabs the DHoffryn pendant and summons his demon ass to talk about Anya. Because everyone knows whats best for Anya but Anya.
Somewhere in all of this we saw Anya and Hallie in 1905 in Russia. Anya started that little Russian upheaval granting a scorned womans wish! Isnt that funny? Shes all business, of course, wanting to move on to the next scorned woman, but Hallie wants to go have some fun. Poor, poor Hallie. She shouldve run and had her fun. Basically what were supposed to get from this scene is summed up in Anyas last line Vengeance is what I am. Youre supposed to be picking up on this whole theme of Anya needing to be something (Olafs woman, vengeance, Mrs. Xander Harris, vengeance again, etc), by the way. Its sort of the whole point of the episode. Well, that and putting Emma Caulfield in as many different wigs and period costumes as possible.
Xander finds Anya tenderly touching blood stains on the wall of the frat house. For some reason, the police have yet to be called. There are jokes to be made about the fuzz and frat boys, but thats just poor taste. Xander makes some snide remark, Anya makes a snide remark about everyone caring so much now she really should have slaughtered people earlier. Ah, so sad. So true. No one ever really seems to get help around the Scoobs until theyre off murdering people. Perhaps the Scoobs should look into preventive care? Have weekly hug sessions? Therapy? A security blanket to calm them down? Friends that care all the time? Where was I? Oh, with Xander and Anya. Xander tries to get her out of there, but if Anya really wanted out of there, shed be out of there. Instead, she seems to kind of not really care that Buffy is on her way over with a really big sword. And not a single person will stop and question Buffy on her walk over. I so love Sunnydale.
Buffy arrives, Anya demons out and pushes Xander away and so begins one of the lamest fights ever in this shows history. It totally eclipses the awfulness of the fight between Buffy and Toth in The Replacement. No suspense. No surprises. Buffy did very nicely apologize to Anya before pinning her to the wall with a sword through her heart, which could be considered above and beyond the call of duty, considering how Anya taunted her during the fight. (Some say this is a sign of Anya looking for death as her way out. I say that it was just Anyas cry for help. She wanted some love, dammit. Willow went all evil, and she got some love. Wheres Anyas love? Its a cry for help, except instead of cutting herself or composing odd poetry, she ripped the hearts out of a few frat boys. Potato, potahto.)
This is getting to be a pattern with you, Buffy. Are there any friends of your left you haven't tried to kill?
We then flash back, again, except this time its fairly recent. Its supposed to be during Once More With Feeling, however Anya has hideous blond hair and they appear to not be in Xanders apartment. I think the truly awful song was supposed to distract you from these things. Ill save you the trauma of having to watch it and just tell you that the song is about Anya becoming Xanders Mrs.. Because she needs it to feel like she is someone. Got that? Out of my misery comes a really nice scene cutAnya out on the balcony in her wedding dress ecstatically singing her little lungs out about being Xanders Mrs. directly to silence as Anya stands, pinned to the wall with a tear falling down her cheek, seemingly dead. Of course, anyone with half a brain (not Buffy, apparently) remembers Hallie being stabbed through with a sword and her promptly hopping back up again and declaring that you cant kill a vengeance demon that way. How you kill one is really never said. But this is not it. However, it was a nice cut. See, I can say complimentary things.
Anya comes to and goes after Buffy with her own sword. Anya chides Buffy, saying she should know that she cant kill Anya that way, to which Buffy disturbingly responds that shes just getting started. Seriously. Im disturbed. What is up with the Buff? How many people did Angel kill? Before and after Buffy? And did she go there with the intent to make it slow? What are we supposed to be getting from this? That Buffys gone crazy?
Part two of the most boring Buffy fight ever commences. Theres some running, some jumping, some stabbing mixed with some leaping and then Xander rushes in all gallantly and is once again shoved to the floor. Then everyones shoved to the floor when DHoffryn pops on in. He realizes that no ones asked Anya what she wants. Well, first he picks on Buffys method of solving problems, then he asks Anya what she wants. Anya wants to take it back. This seems to be a problem. Not that it was a problem when Giles broke Anyas pendant in The Wish ( a completely different pendant, btw. But since Anya was a completely different character then, that makes sense. And yes, that is a dig at the writers, thanks for noticing.) and youd think that Anya would know that she just needs to break her necklace or have someone break it for her, since its probably against the vengeance demon code and all, but its not even addressed. Because now its gonna take the life and soul of a vengeance demon. Anya gallantly says do it, as shes not sure who she is or if she can be saved when really someone should have gotten scorned and then just wished her human, and DHoffryn sheds that nice guy image everyone seemed to be falling for and fries Hallie.
Bet we didnt see that one coming, eh? We did, but were spoiler whores. But we bet you werent expecting that one. Yep.
Anya is really upset about that. Ah, the power of the wish. DHoffryn verbally bitch slaps Anya, reminding everyone who he is, tosses out that really annoying phrase from beneath you it devours and all I need is some young lady to mysteriously run through and be taken down by men in black robes to just wrap this whole season up right here, right now. DHoffryn goes away, Anya leaves, Buffy goes to check on the frat boys and generously tells Xander to go after Anya, who wants to be alone. But really, she wants a hug. She does. She just thinks she needs to be by herself, to find herself. Finding yourself is a huge myth, people. Dont fall for it. Anya tearfully asks Xander if shes nothing and Xander tells her not to be a dope. She then clings to being a dope and asks Xander if shes a dope.
Oh, of course you are, Anya. Of course you are.
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