beginning | blinding torment | boils | lies | making me bitter | evil compounds evil | blah blah bity blah
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Lessons we've learned: our episode review
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Buffy: It's about power. Who's got it. Who knows how to use it. Dawn: But he's new! He doesn't know his strength. He might not know those fancy martial arts skills they inevitably pick up. Witty Banter Vampire: Excuse me. I think I'm stuck. My foot's caught on a root or something. Dawn: Plus, I had a plan the whole time. I planned to get killed, come back as a vampire, and bite you. Willow: There's this look that they get. Like I'm going to turn them all into bangers and mash or something. I'm not even really sure what that is. Giles: In the end, we are who we are. No matter how much we appear to have changed. Buffy: You put the box near the milk. I saw it on the food channel. Buffy: Peachy with a side of keen. That would be me. Buffy: And stay away from hyena people. Or any lizardy-type athletes. Or if you see anyone that's invisible. Dawn: I think it's pretty safe to say I'm not going to see anyone that's invisible. Buffy: It's my hair. I have mom hair. Dawn: I know. You never know what's coming. The stake is not the power. To Serve Man is a cookbook. I love you. Go away! Dawn: I'm very into Britney Spears early work, before she sold out. So mostly her finger painting and macaroni art. Very underrated. Buffy: More like a plaid. Kind of a clan tartan of badness, really. Buffy: No, she's much much worse than me. Troublemaker. Expulsion is really the only way to go. Or you could suspend her for three years. Buffy: Wrong sister. I'm the one who dates dead guys. And no offense, but they were hotties. |