beginning | blinding torment | boils | lies | making me bitter | evil compounds evil | blah blah bity blah
Impulsive? Do you remember my ex-boyfriend?
The vampire? I slept |
season two > i only have eyes for you
Yes, folks, its Ghost time, sadly minus the Patrick Swayze/Demi Moore pottery wheel scene. Which is really too bad. How hard would that have been to write into the script, eh? Youve got a school. Youve got that required Art class which always involves atrocities against the fine art of clay sculpting being kilned into oblivion, so we know theyve got a pottery wheel somewhere just waiting to be violated. Would it have killed them to toss Buffy and Angel in there? Of course, given their reverse roles I can understand why ME would have an issue with SMG going shirtless.
I stand by my belief that it wouldve been hilarious.
And there you go. Anyone else getting the idea that Im dreading recapping this? Good, you should be. Im not quite sure how I keep drawing the short straw around her, SP, but things are going to change. First Passion, now this? Someone mustve been more than a little naughty in her past life, thats all Im sayin.
Oh oh oh! A third reason I mention this Bronze scene! Besides the fact that it opens the ep, I mean. Buffys gives this whole I will never be impulsive again speech to Willow when Willow suggests that maybe she should go out on a date. Shes not saying Buffy has to go with ugly shirt guy, just a guy. (Willow here, makes a fatal mistake. She fails to leap at this chance to reprogram her friend. A subtle suggestion here, when shes down and ready to be kicked, about trying someone out with a pulse might have made all the difference in season six. [Or about trying someone with different, erm, parts, since deep down Willow knows that gay lovin' is the only lovin' worth having. -ST] But in the previously mentioned speech wherein she says that being impulsive caused her to sleep with a vampire and turn him evil and cause him to kill her friends? I really hate that she says friends. You know, Buffys al!ways tossing around that word. Im not sure that word means what she thinks that word means. Ms. Calendar was not Buffys friend. She was Giles potential tail, but not Buffys friend. [In fact, the day Jenny got killed, Buffy was all "I hope you're miserable, bitch." What kind of a friend is that? Well, OK, a typical one, but still.] Teresa? We saw her for five minutes in one episode. Also not a friend. An acquaintance, perhaps. So are we to believe that off screen Angels running around offing Buffys army of imaginary friends? Luckily, my train of thought is interrupted by Willow reminding Buffy that love doesnt have to be drama, and that it can actually be quite nice, with this cute little dreamy expression on her face, and I burst in to laughter. It helps that shes wearing a rainbow sweater as she says this.
My, recapping with the knowledge of whats to come just makes this so much more fun.
Also, my school never had a Sadie Hawkins Dance. [Nor did mine. I think it's a made-up dance used by movies and tv shows when the plot requires hitting the audience over the head with the concept of role reversal.] Im with Cordelia. What the hell?
All of the above is interrupted by two people acting out the final argument of the two people who started this episodes mess-a high school teacher well call School Marm and her varsity lettered underage stud well call Stud Muffin. I so love this shows stance on relationships. Lets see, so far we have Xander dating a Mummy, Willow dating a werewolf while secretly gay, Buffy embracing necrophilia and now this. A teacher and her underage student. I suppose their love is pure and all. But I digress. Two teens are fighting along the lines of Say you dont love me. I dont love you. No. A person doesnt just blah blah blah and then out of nowhere a gun that isnt actually very ghostly appears in the stand-in Stud Muffins hand. I suppose there are tons of questions to be asked here--the hows and why's and huhs, but Im too sober to care. It should also be noted that you will hear this speech no less than three times this episode, so learn to embrace it. Buffy sort of trots in to the rescue, and its interesting to note that Sophia looks incredibly different than Buffy in the fuzzy halter top and incredibly ugly gold pants. Not to mention the black pumps. Why SMG couldnt have thrown her own elbow backwards into the guys stomach is another issue Im just too sober to care about right now. So SMGs stunt double and the janitor run to the rescue. If the janitor was thinking, he wouldve taken his mop with him because they can make wicked weapons when wielded correctly, something I know nothing about, but he was probably just glad to have something to do besides clean up after the little non-literal monsters of Sunnydale. Also, he had to save his energy up for his big scene where he gets to be possessed by the disgruntled spirit of the Stud Muffin and actually shoots the poor teacher who gets sucked into being the old time School Marm and sends her off the balcony to her death.
Also, the gun the boy was pointing at the girl before Buffys stunt double came running in in her gold pants disappears and Buffy feels that saying you just went OJ on your girlfriend is both clever and appropriate.
And then were in Snyders office! He feels Buffy stinks of lies. I love Snyder. And I do not completely hate Buffys brown, belted dress. He leaves the little delinquent in his office, which is really not a very Snyderly thing to do, and the 55 yearbook handily throws itself off of his bookshelf at Buffy. She, being Buffy, cares not.
People can be coerced, Summers. I'm no stranger to conspiracy. I saw JFK.
We leave this scene of inaction to join Willow teaching class. I refuse to be baited. So thats all Im saying about this scene. Except that Giles comes in and sits on a desk. Hes wearing quite a bit of face make up this scene. I suppose I should mention that a line about files Ms. Calendar left behind harkens the beginning of Witch!Willow, but eh. I dont have the time. Because now were in class, falling asleep with Buffy! Buffy daydreams about Stud Muffin and School Marm flirting and holding hands in a classroom. And then we wake up to Buffys current day teacher writing obscenities on the chalkboard. Why is the school being haunted now? Is this the first Sadie dance theyve had since 55? Is it because the ghosts sense the Slayer? Is it because ME was in a contract dispute with Phallics r us and needed a last minute baddie?
I bet you'll think coding is pretty cool. I mean, if you find two-digit multi-stacked conversions and primary number clusters a big hoot.
Xander, who ponders none of this because he is not real, is accosted by a hand in his locker. They sort of just tossed everything into this here phenomena, didnt they? I think they borrowed Giles Time Life Books collection, wrote down everything they had on poltergeists and ta da! Im not complaining though, Im actually grateful. Each minute wasted on random manifestations of this poltergeist is one less minute of B/A angst. And there aint no wrong there. None at all.
We hear the speech for the second time, and the great mystery of why a gun would disappear but the bullets would not is ignored. Though I suppose the bullet could have disappeared, but this means the hapless teacher #1 would have stumbled back under the volition of a ghost bullet that disappears, and that is in and of itself just as problematic as the gun disappearing and the gun not. Dammit, I hate ghost stories, almost as much as I hate time travel stories. Its just never pinned down properly.
Giles thinks Jennys the ghost, because hes in denial and for some reason finds it comforting that shed come back as an angry, people-possessing poltergeist who runs around shooting people. The Scoobs? Not so sure. Theyre pretty sure, actually, that Giles is wacky on the fruit juice. So Willow hops on her trusty computer and I really love how Willow just sort of finds everything she ever needs on her computer. She must have the BEST search engine ever. Maybe Buffy should have had Willow looked up manifestations of evil [in the movies]. This time Willow conveniently and immediately pulls up a scanned in article on the murder/suicide that took place betwixt School Marm and Stud Muffin. Xander, dubbed Lesson Expositor for the episode, deems that killing a person and then killing yourself are pretty much two of the dumbest things one can do. Even if you do get really good grades. Remember that, kids. Write it down, tattoo it on your ass, whatever. Because its true. Truer than Be cool! Stay in school! and right behind that old adage I know I heard often as a child: Dont have affairs with your English teacher! They end badly!
Its just not cool.
My musings on these thoughts are interrupted by random poltergeisty phenomenomena #500: High school cafeteria spaghetti turns into snakes. Everyone runs screaming, Cordy gets bit but does not die instantaneously of poisoning [because they're ghost snakes!], the school empties out and the police chief, or someone I suspect very strongly to be the Police Chief, arrives with the cavalry. A cavalry that sucks at snake retrieval, but a team nonetheless. Id tell you what was said, but I was too distracted. Anyone else having problems taking the Police Chief seriously because he was the guy on Seinfeld with the high pitched, womanish voice? Anyone? Anyone? I am.
Willow, already succumbing to the seductive ways of her crack, has done some research and in that 5 minutes where she visited 2 chat rooms and says exorcism is the way to go. Cordelia freaks because she saw that movie and even the priests died and in the process ruins the end of the Exorcist for me, which I have never seen [me either! damn her!]. Not that I was planning too, but if Im going to get harassed about spoiler tags, I want them to get some shit too.
I appreciate your thoughts on the matter. In fact I encourage you to always challenge me when you feel it's appropriate. You should never be cowed by authority. Except, of course, in this instance when I am clearly right and you are clearly wrong.
They go to do an exorcism at the school, and it goes badly. Cordys face breaks out, Buffy sees Stud Muffin and School Marm dancing and watched him turn into a spooky ghost thing that screamed at her to get out (though why he would if he needs her help is sort of questionable, but well file that little conundrum right behind the bullets question), and Willow gets sucked into the floor. Giles pulls her out because hes cool like that [I think it's because he's sweet on her, and this whole episode is really a subtle way of exploring Giles' love for an underage student. What? You don't think ME can be that subtle? Oh. Right. ME. Never mind.] Willow doesnt believe its Jenny because Jenny would never be so mean, completely forgetting that she was an evil gypsy who was shunned by all of her friends (using the Buffy definition here, not Websters) even though she said she was sorry and was pretty much murdered because of it and that might drive one to violence, if one were a criminally insane poltergeist. Bees masquerading as wasps then invade the school. Everybody runs.
It's paradise. Big windows, lovely gardens. It'll be perfect when we want the sunlight to kill us.
I know this is wrong, but I find the next scene where the Scooby Gang sits in Buffys living room and Cordy sucks on saltines while everyone looks extremely serious about this ghost wanting forgiveness and Giles talks about forgiveness being an act of compassion and Xander graciously points out to the self-righteous Slayer who thinks that Stud Muffin should live with what he did because it was wrong and all that jazz that Stud Muffin cant live with what hes done because hes dead hilarious. I do. Its just that theyre all trying so hard to look thoughtful and grave. It doesnt click. The tinkly piano in the backgrounds evil too. It just adds to the absurdity of it all. And if this little lesson that Stud Muffins predicament teaches Buffy is why Angels still around and she never staked him well, dammit. Im not amused.
Since everyone has the opposite stance of Buffy and feels sorry for Stud Muffin, she stomps off to the kitchen and gets her ass possessed by Stud Muffin himself. She goes to the school, where she runs into her boytoy and here we go, round three. With a twist! Oh yes, we have a twist! Buffy, not Angel, is Stud Muffin. Which leaves .Angel as yes, thats it! Angel as School Marm! Its almost too good to be true, isnt it? And David Boreanaz playing a distressed woman is the best thing ever. I really think he found his niche there. Its really too bad they couldnt find a way to build Angel around that. [And funny how Angel's demon couldn't fight the ghost possessing him, even though he had no trouble throwing Eyghon out]
Meanwhile, the rest of the Scoobs are outside of the school, trying to rescue Buffy. Apparently the gangs idea of rescuing Buffy involves sitting on the curb, rather than going and finding a really large hose to aim at the wasps. Or stealing a fire truck. They have big hoses. And men in rubber uniforms. With hats. [But no cats.]
I know. He's usually Investigate-Things-from-Every-Boring-Angle Guy. Now he's, like, Cling-to-My-One-Lame-Idea Guy.
Which really isnt the point of the episde, Im sure. Anyway, thanks to Buffy and Angel the ghosts kiss and make up, Buffy is confused as to why School Marm forgave Stud Muffin after what he did and I do a very nice job of keeping my twitch under control, thanks. It gets rather difficult, when the parallel to Buffy/Angel is drawn the complete opposite of subtly. Buffy, pretending to talk about Stud Muffin and School Marm but really talking about her and Angel, wants to know why he chose Buffy. Because he could relate to her? Or because she had super powers and an ex-boyfriend that could stand to fall off another cliff or two? You make the call.
Wrapping up this ep, we return to the biggest drama queen of them all, Angel, as he whines about being possessed by love, cuz hes evil and evil has no patience for that shit, flirts with Drusilla, pisses off Spike-in-a-chair and then goes out to viciously kill someone to make himself feel clean again. Buffy, of course, will be nowhere nearby to stop this, as she his busy looking distraught in the school library, but Im sure shell be really upset about it in the morning. She might even call the victim her friend.
And then Rollerboy, aka Spike, stands. Aw. Spike. We miss you. |
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