beginning | blinding torment | boils | lies | making me bitter | evil compounds evil | blah blah bity blah
season seven > help
On this very special episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy and the gang learn that sometimes you just cant help. Please ignore the fact that we already learned this lesson in The Body and, to a lesser extent, Lie To Me. Every other issue of the week was taken. I am actually going to recap the teaser this time around, because it completely flummoxes me. Xander, Buffy and Dawn stake out a mortuary by hiding in coffins. Lets ignore the question of how they got in there and how they were not found, but lets just focus on Buffys depressing Vampire by vampire. Its the only way I know how. Since when has Buffy been this gung ho over one vampire? Especially one new vampire? I mean, weve seen her let established vampires run away unharmed (Lyle Gorch, Angelus, Drusilla, Spike ) What, now, is different? And dont tell me shes learned from the error of her ways. Are we supposed to believe shes doing this in a desperate attempt to reclaim what she was before she died? In some ways, she seems like shes steering less towards returning to Slayerhood. Sure, she kills the odd demon, she looks out for the big bad, but she doesnt stay out patrolling all night. Im not saying a Slayer doesnt deserve a good nights sleep, Im just saying that our slayer seems to be in bed an awful lot. Youd think a slayer would work the graveyard shift (oh, come on, you know you want to laugh.) and sleep during the day. Some of the rest of us did it, and went to school. Sure, we didnt have ex-glowing balls of green energy and cranky demons to deal with, but we did have TAs with incomprehensible accents, so it works out to be about the same.
So Buffy says she should be in bed curled up with her insomnia worrying about her first day of counseling rather than hanging out waiting for one maybe vampire, but shouldnt she really be out hunting the free-ranging vampires? Just a thought. Dawn makes some quip about the old lady, who I dont really see being all that threatening as a vamp (and on a sidenote, arent vamps supposed to be picky about who they turn? Spike was. But he was special.), looking peaceful, which is the old ladys turn to snark that she isnt peaceful and then Buffy stakes her. So unless there are deeper things here that I missed, a complete waste of a teaser. Where are my running girls, huh? Bitches.
Buffy starts her first day talking to the kids. On a slight tangent, Buffys in an open cube. A teenager is never going to open up to her in that necklace, for one, but theyre seriously not going to talk to her where everyone in the office can hear. But I digress. She talks to them. Theyve got issues. Various ones. [A guy tells Buffy he might be gay, and would Buffy go out with him so he could find out for sure? Dawn is tired of her sister borrowing her clothes without asking! -SP] None we care about.
Oh, one were supposed to care about. Cassie Newton [aka Kate Hudson. No seriously. Dead ringer ]. Shes stopped doing her homework and stuff because shes going to die next Friday. I would totally stop doing my homework too. Buffy marches into the probably evil Principals office and goes on and on and on and on and on about needing to do something and fix Cassie. She cant though. She doesnt know it yet, but she cant. She just cant. She spills coffee on herself, realizes Cassie predicted it even though I didnt mention it because, well. Im just assuming you watched it, okay?
By the way, Im totally claiming the use of Slaughterhouse Five as a shout out. Im sure, deep, deep down, someone in ME knew its one of my favorite books [Uh huh. Suuuure.] and felt the need to make up for Dawns coat to me. Thanks. Its a really hideous coat, but that really helped soften the blow.
[Intercut with all of the Buffy the Guidance Counselor stuff is Willow and Xander walking in a field. Willow is worried about being able to to control her magic when whatever beneath them starts all that devouring and Xander starts rambling on about power and control and hammers and nails and crao. In case we forgot about all that "a carpenter saved the world" stuff in the finale of last season. I am glad that ME didn't do their customary Big Huge Problem One Episode Totally Glossed Over Ever After Until the End of Time thing with Willow. They actually remembered she had issues from last week.
We see that Xander is bringing her to Tara's grave. I'd be snarky but it's all sad and stuff and I miss Tara too, so *sniffsniff*. Waaaaaaah. Turn evil again Willow and kill some more people who were responsible for making Tara die! They deserve it! Oh sorry. Got caught up in the moment there for a minute. I'm fine now.
Willow puts some stones on Tara's headstone, which according to posters at our message board, is because Jewish people leave rocks, rather than flowers, as a memorial and sign of respect. And can I just say yay to ME for not hitting us over the head for once. It was a touching gesture by Willow, and I think it would have been marred by some big exposition from her about "hello, Jewish! Remember how I'm not allowed to do the Snoopy dance at home?!" I'm glad both that they showed some continuity, in performing a Jewish custom, but were subtle about it. I haven't seen subtle in a while. I missed subtle. Don't leave us again!]
Now, bear with me because Im doing this episode by memory and maybe SP can fill in tons of blanks, but basically Buffy keeps running into dead ends. They go through Cassies online records, thankfully the school medical professionals still believe in keeping them all in a place where Willow can find them quickly. They find her website and read her poetry [And so can you at! Send her an e-mail to beyond the grave!]. [I do think it's worth noting here that Willow mentions posting Doogie Howser fic online while in high school. Where's the web site for that, huh? I'm totally thinking it was all slash fic with Doogie and that friend of his, whatshisname. Or maybe this is it. ]
Poems. Always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil.
Buffy gracefully goes to Cassies Dads house and accuses him of being a drunk that hurts his daughter. [Yeah, what was up with that? It was this whole weird scene with the father and Cassie coming over out of the blue, and Buffy and Xander. And it had all this build up, what with the divorce, and the dad drinking, his arrests, and he couldn't see his daughter when he wanted, and it just went... nowhere.] Cassie greets Buffy and Xander outside, after Buffy embarrasses and upsets her father, to tell her that hes not the one that does it. Um, little miss helpful, couldnt your psychic ass have told Buffy that before? Too busy composing that list of things youll never do, set to violin music, in your head? And how does Cassies father not hear them all outside? Too drunk? Shouldnt he really go all belligerently drunk and bust out with a shotgun, telling them to get off his durn property? And shouldnt he have been shirtless, and in a trailer? You know, to really perfect the white trash vibe?
Eh. So Cassie does a fairly good, heart wrenching monologue. Buffy tells her that she doesnt sound like someone who wants to live. And Buffy knows, cuz it takes one to know one.
And I really want to see who my cousins grow up to be. Because they're really mean, and I'm pretty sure they're going to be fat.
Somewhere in all of this, Buffy goes down to the basement because James Marsters needs a paycheck, and therefore Spike must be in the episode. So Spike sits in the dark, being all quiet and not moving. Buffy gets him all worked up asking him if theres something evil in the basement and then hes off and running! Hes a bad man, he hurt the girl, yes theres evil in the basement and its him because hes a bad man. Why Buffy assumes Cassie will die in the school and Spike will know about it is beyond me, its not like people dont die all over the place in Sunnydale.
You're asking my sister to Winter Formal and she's your second choice?
Buffy, getting desperate and taking the word of Dawn, goes after the guy that wanted Cassie to go to the dance. Hes not mad, though, and seems remarkably adjusted for a teenage male [In fact, he seems pretty quick to forget all about Cassie and decide Dawn was the girl for him! ], but its okay. Because what really matters in this scene is that strange coins fall out of a locker, just like Cassie sort of predicted! Buffy takes down the locker number, calls in the student and threaten to kick his ass. In an open cubicle. During school hours. And does not get arrested. But its good that she threatens him, because he takes her to Cassie, who Dawn lost. Well, technically she didnt lose her, more like misplaced her. One minute shes talking to Cassie, the next Cassie tells her to remember that what happens next isnt her fault, the next Dawn falls for the ole distract her and grab her friend ploy and the next Cassies nowhere to be found. I guess they didnt think to look in the evil library.
A bunch of guys in red robes, red so we dont get them confused with the guys in the green robes from Reptile Boy [and plus, the girl's name is Cassie not Callie, and the guys are trying to get riches, not keep them, so obviously, this is all very different, intone things and wave candles about and then drag Cassie over for their sacrifice. It seems, and Im not sure, that the guy from Home Improvement may be the only person there that actually realized they would be killing Cassie with a meat cleaver. Niiiice. Luckily, Buffy had the other nerd take her and give her a robe and no one noticed that there was an extra body in their midst. And since Buffys so tall and built, Im sure she just blended in with all the Neanderthal boys present. Yep.
Home Improvement boy chants about riches and blah blah blah, goes to kill Cassie and then Buffy, just in the nick of time, kicks his ass after quipping that this event is going down on his permanent record. Oh, my non-existent left nut to hear HI guy burst out in I take one, one, one cuz you left me [two, two, two for my family and...] But no, we dont get this. [We did in my head.] We dont even come close. Instead what we get is Buffy mocking their raising of a demon without heavy metal [only she couldn't even get the name of the actual band right. Is ME that worried about lawsuits from linking bands to violence or is Buffy really supposed to be that out of touch with pop culture?] , and then the surprise arrival of the demon. Come on Buffy, everyone in Sunnydale can raise a demon. Its as easy as breathing, they do it without thinking about it.
Buffy fights the demon, HI guy tries to kill Cassie, Spike comes along with a torch to prevent the demon of the week from killing Buffy, Buffy sends him over to save Cassie and then she sort of pokes unconvincingly at the demon with the fire while Spike goes and beats the HI guy bloody. Cassie, damn her, cryptically tells a very confused Spike that one day she will tell him, opening up speculation as to who will tell him what. The favored theory being, of course, that Buffy loves Spike. I, personally, feel this is too easy and that people should, perhaps, be looking more toward the mundane. Maybe Buffy will tell Spike his hair is horrible. Maybe Willow will tell him that shes not really gay, but if she cant have him she doesnt want any man. Maybe by she Cassie was being snarky and actually meant Xander. We all know Xander loves Spike. It couldnt be anymore obvious. [Maybe one day Buffy will tell Spike that Xander loves him!]
Um, so HI guy drags himself to the still smoking carcass of the demon and demands his money and is rewarded with a love bite to the shoulder [Do you think he died or did he turn into a demon too? Like maybe he took over where the crispy demon left off when he got all explodey or something]. Buffy leads Cassie out and keeps a crossbow bolt from piercing Cassies skull, and in thanks Cassie tells Buffy that she will make a difference and then promptly dies.
Thats right, folks, all of Buffys work was for naught. Wouldnt have done a lick of good anyway. Turns out Cassie had a bad heart. The Scoobs all take this rather poorly, which is sort of odd since theyve seen quite a few more gnarly deaths, and also rather nice. Except for the overemoting of Dawn. And Buffys tragic expression as she plays with her necklace and ponders what you do when you know you cant help, but, other than that [For some reason, I find Xander's sock very sexy in that scene...]
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